The 5 Types of Users

User style and what it says about them


The 5 "S" users 

"Like" me, I "liked" you! Most of us go on one or more social media platforms daily. We infuse our behavior and personality into these sites, and at Siegel Innovations, we became curious around not only the number of users and demographic data, but their personality. How does the way they use social media depict their behavior? We arrived with dozens of labels, then simplified them into the "5 S's", or uSers. There are other ways to categorize various segments and demographics, but we adjusted our perspective to view through the "emotional lens".

These labels were derived from looking at patterns, style, number of posting and types, facebook data, articles from Mashable, AdAge, Wired, and FastCompany, Google, and our IMMERSION approach.

When connecting with folks online, larger themes help drive interaction. Be relevant, entertaining, concise, and simple. Be honest, engaging, and provide a positive experience through short copy with compelling stories and art/pictures that extenuate the purpose of your postings. 

Words that stuck to describe others included: Casual, habitual, addicted, careless, caring, careful, informative, friendly, sometimes, rarely, emotional, introverted, extroverted, daring, business, mom, family, humor, ... We utilized these to hone in on categories, and were driven to do so by how we strategize social media for others. If you think of users and how their personalities can help you articulate a conversation and connecting with them, these will help. They're not judgmental or negative. They're truth and from what we have experienced, and also what the data says. Here's the 5 styles, and how they use social media may help your interactions. 

Here's what we found for the 5 categories of uSers: 
1.) Sensitive: You post inspiring quotes, "like" updates of your friends even if they're not momentous such as getting married or having a baby to be nice, send cute pictures of moving art or words of advice. You sometimes organize events or pages that connect on an emotional level for others. You like to blog, journal, or write music or poems. You feel guilty if you don't send a message to one of your top friends, and sometimes get upset (without saying anything) when others don't send you notes, invite you places, or "like" your updates. You accept "cause" invites, and occasionally donate funds online. You tend to be giving, kind, and sympathetically generous with your time, money, and talent.You're compassionate and caring, but at times it may be fleeting and fading.

How to connect and drive conversation with "Sensitive" >> Share information that allows for emotionally compelling interaction. Stories help when connecting with the 'sensitive', and allow for resonating results.Not only will cute pictures of dogs (we are dog people at s|i, just say not to cute kittens, ha), causes, and loving quotes pull their heartstrings, but sympathetic quotes from the Dalai Lama will draw in these sensitive yogis.

2.) Seldom: We were being nice, but considered calling them "slothy", ha. You're on facebook or linkedin because you were tired of the invites, and needed to see about someone you were interviewing with or accept a event invite. You don't care about social media, and feel that old school is the way to go, offline and in real life. You aren't always over fifty years old, and if you are you like the outdoors, camping, fishing, playing in leagues - and don't have to tweet a picture about it. You'll go online, but don't feel a daily desire to have to engage on social sites, and life goes on just fine if you don't. You don't have your phone on in church, tweet during meetings, are less likely to be distracted, and are focused with tremendous organization at work. When your phone goes off or you do get an email, if it is in fact connected, you don't have to constantly check these 'pings'. some of you are introverted, but doesn't mean you don't interact with others (ie You go to golf outings, but don't organize them).You'd rather order pizza and watch a movie while staying in on a Friday night. You tend to prefer yard work over getting the yard ready for a party. You'd rather gather with a few friends for a dinner versus a wine tasting.

How to connect and drive conversation with "Seldom" >>You'd have better luck pulling teeth, ha. This is where a viral campaign and things that fuel connecting from online to offline are essential. Provide experiences the 'seldoms' can discover online, but implement offline. This is where leveraging the community around them helps, such as a viral video or trend may assist, but that online to offline discovery is key. Keep tagging them in posts, find out their rare hobbies, and give them reasons to be on social media beyond old school youtube videos and posting that you worked out or what you ate for lunch.

3.) Selfish: You could epitomize the country song "Talk about me, talk about I, talk about #1 my my...". You rant, complain, voice opinions, and criticize online. It's no sweat off your back to judge someone's picture, post, or thoughts. You love when others 'like' your status, retweet your stuff, and make comments or look at your profile(s). You like to be the center of attention, to be loud and in charge, and others find it challenging to get a word in edge wise with you. You're extroverted, stubborn, and strong minded. If you look at your postings they're about your hobbies, your thoughts, and you. You seldom 'like' others status, and don't even think about that as being selfish. You think of social media as a tool to 'sell your brand', and forget to look at others as 'friends to build relationship into', and as a 'lottery' vs. '401k'. You're noisy, but not usually with purpose or strategy. You're online all day, answer every 'ping', and have a large appetite for sharing, talking, connecting, and displaying your 'brand'. You talk at people, not with them. It's about you, and what is in it for you. You, you, you. You often go to the extent of basing your daily decisions upon how it will provide the opportunity for you to post a picture of what you're doing, brag about where you are, and positions you for looking like you're the bees knees of life with all your amazing antics. What you can share via social media dictates what you do vs. the actual genuine intent of the actions themselves. You like to be listened to, but listen to others slowly. You wonder why no one's "liking' your posts, and relentlessly pursue items you can share that will drive these "likes" or follows, regardless of spending time on what really matters.

How to connect and drive conversation with "Selfish" >>Providing items that allow for the 'selfish' to feel like they own a piece of your intelligence is important here. Sharing information, entertainment, or something that allows them to share something with a friend or on their profile that makes them look 'cool', or better/intelligent/in tune/relevant are key. Make it about them, open the doors and windows to allowing them access to firsthand information, and if led correctly - these egocentric users can be your biggest advocates.

4.) Stalker: You look at others pictures, posts, and do so to collate data on them for personal usage. You love to gossip, find out about relationship status, who is working where, and who has been laid off, looking for a mate, and what goings on are in others lives. Not to find out how to help, just to gain an edge on something. People de-friend you because of comments, and things you send can be socially awkward.You're in the background, don't have a picture of yourself on your profile, and tend to be a loner. You're often on political or religious strings of rants and constant pit-bullying of your view and on the loud horn of what you feel is right should be how others should feel and live. You think your electronic breadcrumbs lead to change. You also kind of scare us (not s|i, we're tough - but others that is, ha), just saying. In traditional consumer insight circles, you may be labeled a "passionate", but we understand you have need to influence, but also learn some restraint. We monitor you in crisis mode, and your personalities cause us to think of what we post and the worst that could be responded with through media.

How to connect and drive conversation with "Stalker" >>Posting information that is considered a secret, not knowing to many, or digs into the lives of others - while sharing intimate details are juicy to this group. Share controversial topics, things that polarize, and items that are extreme or cause division. Careful with you allow these users to access, they'll marinate on it and leverage it for evil vs. good.

5.) Strategic: You utilize social media with purpose. You leverage platforms to connect with purpose around your business, organization, or other efforts. You check the numbers and data on your pages and updates to applications that can help you better engage. Social media is a purpose driven machine that can amplify the right voice, the right way. You usually 'like' or interact with others in the same business or field, and share relevant data to drive the numbers you inspect. You are usually a product of higher education, at times have an advanced degree - and look at social platforms as ways to serve a greater purpose. You are also the "visionaries" and what Malcolm Gladwell coins "Marketing Mavens". We appreciate you a lot. If you "like" something, it is usually from a good place and meaningful. You enjoy humor at times, but won't share things that polarize others - although you have an opinion around a particular topic.

How to connect and drive conversation with "Strategic" >> Share information that is useful, factual, and the copy aligns to stats that are for a useful purpose. Identity what matters to your specific audience, then pump them full of leaded intelligence related to that field. They know what to do from there. Discover ways to partner, connect, and interact with this group - as they can infuse growth and energize progress to your electronic breadcrumbs. They understand it's about driving relationship and positive experience.

These are a high level dig into the social scene of users, but gives a quick glimpse of how you can leverage an approach to engage them. By no means does this cover the extensive grouping of users of social media that exists, but are electronic tidbits for thoughtful pondering. It also inspires us to think around how we ourselves interact with others on these social channels, and what it says about us. Deep stuff, but can really display what kind of online person you are, as it more than likely associates to how you are offline.

Free advice and guidance from your IMMERSION expert friends at Siegel Innovations (you get what you pay for, ha),
Bringing Brands Alive

If it's refreshingly compelling engagement by way of being relationship driven and delivering positive experience, give us a gentle shout via electronic mail - it's free >> We're hiring clients. 


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