Here were some thoughts I had in response to this (quote shared by Dave Knox, CMO of Rockfish Interactive)

it's @ the experience.
$ bottom line = bottom (fall)OUT! Do the right things, the right way, and the money will follow you vs. you chasing the mighty dollar. Due to this being more qualitative at times, requiring intelligent patience for the process, and not being a quick turn key result, the quantitative driven financial meetings can tsunami brilliance. It's not about 'getting' a client\\customer, it's about 'earning' and advocate.
This not only inspires sustainability, it can energize you to 'surpass sustainability' by way of loyalty, and invites strategic perspectives beyond a transactional relationship. It's about the experience, fueling a relationship that is mutually beneficial beyond a one hit wonder, and innovating such an approach. Of course, not everyone can orchestrate such an effort that not only conducts relationship driven methods, within surviving the budget\sales\revenue\cost financial bubbles.
That my friends, is an art, and why all this digital\creative\design 'stuff' is amazing, as one can be savvy + resourceful during the most challenging economic storm or hardship, to create ways to inspire these relationships beyond the traditional advertising barriers. We have seen how new (now a matured new) media, moving towards full integration, mobile, and other creative platforms for marketing, in tandem with discovering ways to share information with people can be achieved without a $1M+ television commercial. Viewing spaces, people portals, and organically planted genius can be planted eloquently in various methods now. Examples >>

those that do this, such as P&G, live true to being agile, learning, humble to insights vs. their ego, and developing Talent Supply that integrate this into their DNA not only succeed, they THRIVE. Implementing purpose driven brands, that serve 'with' vs. 'at' someone, in tandem with closing the gaps between existence\\ideas\\people\\goals are essential.
That's leadership, and that's great business.appreciate this being shared, and the genius comments. LOVE the amazing people internal (in tandem with external) of the Cincinnati region generating such brilliant conversations >>
Happy Holidays!