10 Ways to Inspire Innovation and BE RADICAL!

10 Ways to be Radical!

1.) Challenge existing systems
2.) Think beyond convention, but stay relevant to the goals
3.) Listen to others, and reach out to people smarter than you
4.) Discover ways to be of service and value to others
5.) Find collaborations and sources to partner with to learn. Constantly evolve, and be of humble grace vs. allow ego to be your own obstacle
6.) Provide solutions to problems (don't just do/make something for its own sake, create it for a bigger purpose/significance)
7.) Hone in on your target audience
8.) Utilize social media for intelligence vs. verbal vomiting! It's a great marketing tool, just utilize and leverage it for the right job, not for the sake of using it.
9.) Align your work, actions, and goals (you'd be surprised at how people may need to recalibrate this!)
10.) Stop waiting for things to happen to you, and empower yourself to lead your ideas!


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