Final Day Fasting. (Day 7) and 12 Lessons Learned

Final Day Fasting. (Day 7)
12 Lessons Learned from fasting

I have wrapped up my (self inflicted sacrifice) fasting journey, not only talked but walked in purpose, and wanted to share my 12 lessons learned. I also remind you of other reasons why by visiting my "Paste List" as well. The main take away is that people are amazing, inspiring, and encouraging, and I thank the 7 people who fasted for me for 7 days, and who I in turn fasted for a day each. Truly touching. Here are my “lessons learned”.

  1. I learned it is not easy to give up habits, patterns, or maintain discipline unless you have a dedicated plan and higher purpose.
  2. I do not like “not eating”, and I enjoy food… a lot! Drink lots of water! BE SAFE, if need be consult a doctor, but they'll tell you it's unhealthy, some people fast one meal, till sundown, and many other ways. Just be careful! Don't do it to merely lose weight, as the pounds do shed off, but once you come off this "mental, physical, and spiritual" fast you have to ease back into your eating/nourishment intelligently. This was my journey, you can make your own, and with a different subject such as giving up pop, TV, blackberry, email, cussing, complaining, or other items in your life that are distractions.
  3. Slowly over time my eating habits were junk. Time to reinvent/refresh!
  4. If you make a statement by doing something different, you gain better insight and results
  5. You must find ways to discover what your mind, body, and spirit really need in your life
  6. You can inspire others through sharing your actions, listening, and doing something different while inviting people to be involved
  7. Anyone can fall into traps that are masked due to taking place slowly over time through small actions. It takes big action to break that bondage.
  8. Fasting is an interesting concept that can help you learn more about yourself, and also make you light headed, ha
  9. I overate, needed to drink more water, and slow down/”be still”
  10. I ate too much processed foods, and need to be conscious of what I consume. Be aware and in tune with your patterns.
  11. It opened up time to invest in prayer, connect with my spirit, and God
  12. At times, you have to sacrifice, and “give up to gain” in diverse ways. Find your "fast", and implement an educated and passionate purpose around your walk with discipline, and you will see results no matter the walk!

Final Weigh in’s 
Day 1: 278 to 275
Day 2: 275 to 269
 Day 3: 269 to 266 
Day 4: 266 to 263
Day 5: 263 to 261
Day 6: 261 to 260
Day 7: 260 to 257


Brian - I am so inspired by your journey. I know first hand that fasting is not the easy way, not even the "sane" way if you ask some people. But ... it is one spiritual way to make a connection with yourself and God and those that support you. Know that you have been prayed for by many and encouraged by some but watched by still more. Your journey, your new knowledge and your faith are worthwhile and a true example of living in faith. I'm proud of you for the success and perseverence. Thanks for being who you are and doing what you do.

Be blessed!
The other B
Brian Siegel said…
Barb "Mighty Inspiration" Miller: Thank you for your prayers, support, and tremendous friendship : )

You are truly a "Chief Inspiration Officer"!

your friend and fan,

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