Fasting. (Day 6)
First Time Fast
I have had some wonderful responses after being asked then explaining my fasting journey. Others are giving up something they are addicted to, or at least pondering about ways they may give up to gain.
I have starved my body, but my mind is reliant upon God, my spirit, and it has broken me from unknown bondages towards freedom. When in fear or doubt, I “go to God”. I feel I went from talking up at some mystery being beyond the skies, to an energy I can sit with at a round table, if that makes sense. I am not pushing or pressuring you to go to God, believe in God, or be a Christ follower, as much as think about seeing where you are starving in your life, and go to a spiritual place (although I would like to encourage you to pursue a relationship with God).
Sometimes we need to accommodate a higher purpose versus react to our personal desires. I have seen this through fasting, from the timeline of bondage, the break, and towards freedom. These are topics my church has discussed this past week, and has been very enlightening.
We rely on so much, and can’t fathom or comprehend living without what we become attracted to, or be still long enough to realize we can become a better person without having certain elements in our life. Fasting has forced me to slow down, and be still.
It has allowed me to stop doubting, and to start believing. I know it may sound foreign to you, but it I invite you to give up something in a practical way in your life, and when faced with temptation, remember your dedication, promise, and enact discipline by praying or meditating every time you are faced with giving in. Then, you will see.
We fear what we don’t understand, and judge what may seem different. Fear is in the mind, and challenging yourself with such examples, can mold/shape you into a stronger person. Going through challenges, having sacrifices, and enduring pain are how people build relationships with others, companies implement team building, and others become closer. It also builds trust and loyalty. I have a few others that are fasting for a day or two with me while I do this, and it is encouraging and also touching to know they are dedicated to doing this, supportive, and taking this walk with me. It eliminates any doubt, fear, distrust, and inspires affirmation, encouragement, faith, and a clear vision that what I am doing is of purpose and meaning.
Day 1: 278 to 275
Day 2: 275 to 269
Day 3: 269 to 266
Day 4: 266 to 264
Day 5: 264 to 261