Fasting (Day 1)
First Time Fasting
Fast on Fasting: "Simple 7 Day Fasting" (Day 1)
7 people in my life, friends and family, decided to fast one day each for me. This was so touching to me, and such an act of generosity, that I felt it unacceptable that I not partake. I decided to fast one day each for every person praying/fasting for me. Again, truly touching.
As I embark on my 7 days of fasting, starting 3.17.10 at 1PM EST, I contemplate the challenges I will encounter, the reasons for "giving up something for my body to improve clarity in my mind", the understanding of the concept, Lent, and also how my hunger pains will remind me of what I am doing!
What is Fasting?
Where else would one go to learn about Fasting besides Google or Wiki! Fasting is defined as "The act of willingly abstaining from some or all of something." In this case, and the most popular, food.
Why am I doing this?
It is not to lose weight, ha. I am starving my body, to improve my mind, and also to bring myself closer to my spirit through this process. I have heard of fasting in the Bible, in church, in movies, and other places, but never myself partook in such a task. I am not Catholic, but have given up items for "Lent".
One does not have to be Catholic to involve themselves in Lent, and the church I attend did a great job at sharing knowledge about the history of Lent, Ash Wednesday, and more. As humans do, I assumed I knew more than I understood, and upon deeper glance, I found myself connected to the concept, and improving my spirituality in a different way. In life, you must constantly learn, grow, refresh, and "move your feet to be more than a groove in a seat", so by doing this, I feel I am turning my spiritual wheels in a challenging new manner. Although this is generally a religious thing, it can also be universal spiritually through the reasons shared.
Beyond starving my body and depriving it of wonderful food, which I love by the way, as I am a huge "Foodie", I am doing this to bring awareness to the other areas "starving" in my life, and also others. I am fasting for a purpose, not merely the popularity of the subject or pop culture value. The sacrifice involved is a way of demonstrating my discipline and control of my body for the reasons I seek to direct attention to. Deterring my desire and need for food to provide clarity of focus around the areas of my life that are hurting, deprived, thirsty, and hungry for more is the meaning.
During my times of temptation, desire (of food), and longing for what is a basic necessity I am temporarily eliminating from my normal daily pattern, I will be praying. I will be praying for clarity, discipline, awareness, and also thanking God for all He has done for me, others, and how I appreciate this. Life is not easy, and granted I am one person doing a small gesture, but it is my dedication and personal part I am investing in. Many go without food, and not by choice, so during this journey, I will soon realize what others face, as well as how to hold fast, no pun intended, to my promise.
Why am I sharing this, and why should you care?
I am not Ghandi, trying to be Moses for 40 days, nor do I expect everyone to understand. That being said, some of you understand the concept, and others may be intrigued by my actions. I am passionate about connecting, and also inspiring others, so my purpose is to do just that for you.
If I can bring awareness to my reasons and purpose of a "Simple 7 Day Fast", then perhaps I may inspire you to think of something you may want to give up, should give up, and a deeper understanding of the concept. I say it is simple because it is 7 days without food, how difficult is that concept?! But, I am certain it will bring interesting challenges, awareness to other areas of life, and also sacrifice.
Next Steps>>
Well, I am in Day 1 of the 7 day process, so wish me luck with lots of water drinking, and the pain of food pains while tempted with delectable delights of food. I am sure after Day 2 it will not be easy... Feel free to send ideas to curb my appetite, your fasting experience, something you are/have given up for Lent, and or encouragement.
Fast on Fasting: "Simple 7 Day Fasting" (Day 1)
7 people in my life, friends and family, decided to fast one day each for me. This was so touching to me, and such an act of generosity, that I felt it unacceptable that I not partake. I decided to fast one day each for every person praying/fasting for me. Again, truly touching.
As I embark on my 7 days of fasting, starting 3.17.10 at 1PM EST, I contemplate the challenges I will encounter, the reasons for "giving up something for my body to improve clarity in my mind", the understanding of the concept, Lent, and also how my hunger pains will remind me of what I am doing!
What is Fasting?
Where else would one go to learn about Fasting besides Google or Wiki! Fasting is defined as "The act of willingly abstaining from some or all of something." In this case, and the most popular, food.
Why am I doing this?
It is not to lose weight, ha. I am starving my body, to improve my mind, and also to bring myself closer to my spirit through this process. I have heard of fasting in the Bible, in church, in movies, and other places, but never myself partook in such a task. I am not Catholic, but have given up items for "Lent".
One does not have to be Catholic to involve themselves in Lent, and the church I attend did a great job at sharing knowledge about the history of Lent, Ash Wednesday, and more. As humans do, I assumed I knew more than I understood, and upon deeper glance, I found myself connected to the concept, and improving my spirituality in a different way. In life, you must constantly learn, grow, refresh, and "move your feet to be more than a groove in a seat", so by doing this, I feel I am turning my spiritual wheels in a challenging new manner. Although this is generally a religious thing, it can also be universal spiritually through the reasons shared.
Beyond starving my body and depriving it of wonderful food, which I love by the way, as I am a huge "Foodie", I am doing this to bring awareness to the other areas "starving" in my life, and also others. I am fasting for a purpose, not merely the popularity of the subject or pop culture value. The sacrifice involved is a way of demonstrating my discipline and control of my body for the reasons I seek to direct attention to. Deterring my desire and need for food to provide clarity of focus around the areas of my life that are hurting, deprived, thirsty, and hungry for more is the meaning.
During my times of temptation, desire (of food), and longing for what is a basic necessity I am temporarily eliminating from my normal daily pattern, I will be praying. I will be praying for clarity, discipline, awareness, and also thanking God for all He has done for me, others, and how I appreciate this. Life is not easy, and granted I am one person doing a small gesture, but it is my dedication and personal part I am investing in. Many go without food, and not by choice, so during this journey, I will soon realize what others face, as well as how to hold fast, no pun intended, to my promise.
Why am I sharing this, and why should you care?
I am not Ghandi, trying to be Moses for 40 days, nor do I expect everyone to understand. That being said, some of you understand the concept, and others may be intrigued by my actions. I am passionate about connecting, and also inspiring others, so my purpose is to do just that for you.
If I can bring awareness to my reasons and purpose of a "Simple 7 Day Fast", then perhaps I may inspire you to think of something you may want to give up, should give up, and a deeper understanding of the concept. I say it is simple because it is 7 days without food, how difficult is that concept?! But, I am certain it will bring interesting challenges, awareness to other areas of life, and also sacrifice.
- If you are interested in the specific reasons, you can view them on my "Paste List" at
- Here are 25 other reasons fasting is a positive activity
Next Steps>>
Well, I am in Day 1 of the 7 day process, so wish me luck with lots of water drinking, and the pain of food pains while tempted with delectable delights of food. I am sure after Day 2 it will not be easy... Feel free to send ideas to curb my appetite, your fasting experience, something you are/have given up for Lent, and or encouragement.
I will pray for you as you fast that all you are meant to know, experience and learn will come to you without struggle. Keep us posted.
Be blessed!
I have already been tempted, as someone is eating something I am addicted to, pizza. The aroma, the wonderful and elegant cheese, the simple aura of the sauce mixalating with the cheese and heavenly bread,in combination with my first stages of hunger are overwhelming.
I admit having the urge to break my promise, but will power kicked in, and you don't want to "lie to God"!
I look forward to next Wed. at 1PM, as I will have a pizza party, ha!
Happy St. Patty's Day!
I look forward to the experience, and have already realized how it is interesting how human instinct instigates me to fill my hunger with other things, or to find a way to address immediate needs, but spirit prevails. The aroma and sight of the pizza promoted me to lick the cheese after debating/contemplating/pacing, pathetic, ha! Ahh, the power of pizza alone : )
I say this now, into Day 2, we shall see my attitude in Day 3 and 4, ha