Top 5 "Sound Like You Know Football" Comments

Just for Fun
"Best of"... lines you can shout during a football game, but not know anything about football
For you ladies who want to get involved with the hooting and hollering between the Colts vs. Saints match up for the Super Bowl tomorrow, but are not versed or interested in the game, here are some lines you can shout and have some credibility. Enjoy the lines, game, and Go Saints (I love underdogs)!
1. "Come on, they have to improve at the line of scrimmage"
2. "Where's the flag ref?!"
3. "If they could have only fought harder to open up the gap"
4. "They gotta fight harder on the routes"
5. "This is unbelievable, I hope the next play can do it for them!"
If your team is on Offense
1. "They gotta hold off the defense longer"
2. "Go for it, go deep next play"
3. "They should try a trick play or a flea flicker"
4. "It's a game of inches, they can push ahead here"
5. "They have to give the QB more time to scout the defense so he doesn't scramble"
If your team is on Defense
1. "They better play tough against this offense"
2. "The line keeps holding"
3. "Come on, blitz and go for a sack"
4. "At least hold them to a field goal"
5. "Championships are won with a great defense. Go "state your teams name here""
*Note: I am not insinuating that every woman needs to know lines for football, are not able to learn about football, or don't already know what is going on. This was in response to some friends stating they enjoy gathering for games, but do not know about strategy, and would like to yell something to be involved. Guys may also utilize these as well, ha. If you like these, or feel there should be others in the "Top 5's", feel free to share! Enjoy the game, friends, and fun!