Homeless For Half a Day - Day 1

Strategic Social Experiment - heartprints inc.
So, you wake up, and you have no job, no money, and need help. First thoughts are panic, but then senses weigh in and say, "get up, wake up, move your feet, make things happen, reach out, utilize your drive, connections, and strength to fix your situation".
The stress level has risen, and my sense of urgency to find out what I can do to not lose my home, make sure my car doesn't have any problems, and that I am starving and need breakfast, but other challenges speak louder consume my energy.
My first action step is to document a plan. My plan consists of first finding out how to not lose my home, as I then would truly be homeless. Hence, this project is "Homeless For Half a Day", so forgive the cheating by having a car, home, and blackberry, but this experiment is to benefit those who are homeless to laid off executives. Part of the journey will be immersing in the homeless population.
I call 5/3, as they are the true owners of my mortgage, and therefor house. I call their general number, and they send me to the home/mortgage department. After going through the prompts, again, I find myself in a sense of urgency and impatience, yet the folks on the other line are calm, casual, and this frustrates me. I explain what I am doing, and trying to discover. They send me, again, to another employee. This employee sends me to the home foreclosure prevention line they operate for assistance. They give me their 800 line for their program to assist possible foreclosure on your home.
I soon discover that after providing all my information, they want me to go to a local branch. I go to the branch, and speak with a manager. She informs me that they need tax records, and other paperwork. I showed up with nothing. I go back home, get all the information, she runs my profile, and is kind enough to call 5/3 colleagues that specialize in home foreclosure prevention. She is also put on hold, then transferred to two other people. She enjoys my frustration, and sympathizes. We finally connect with someone that specializes in refinancing, but find out you have to have a job to refinance. Problem, this experiment does not allow me to have a job. We connect with another member of the 5/3 team after calling the 800 number the refinance specialist gives us. I see a pattern. 800.375.1745 option 3. The bank manager also prints out some paperwork that I need as well. It was 12 pages.
The employee at the 800 number that sent me to the branch, and sent the branch manager to the 800 number says that there is an option. The Federal Government has implemented a plan under the Obama Administration to help folks in my situation. I am then asked if I have missed a payment. I have not. This, we find out, is the only way that I can get assistance. If I miss a payment, hurt my credit, then I can get assistance. My attempt in this hypothetical situation has opened the door to discovering that even when you attempt to be proactive and prevent missing a payment, refinance, and find out other options to help your situation, there truly is none. There is no help without hurting so to speak.
You can put the payment on a credit card, but then they gig you 30% for cash advance fees, as well as the compounded interest you will accrue, and late fees due to you not being able to pay the minimum balance. I could borrow from my 401K, but then that is gigged with over 30% in fees as well. Some of you may be thinking, "Easy, get a job, and you'll be fine!", but one problem, on paper over 10% of people are laid off, and a more concrete number and statistics are showing that over 20% of people are really unemployed, which is not shared so "Brand America" does not endure the negative media and coverage around this statistic. So, while I seek to not lose a home, this consumes my job hunting agenda, which will be addressed after I find out how to not lose my home. The calls, visits, and interactions to find out I have to miss a payment for help consumes 5 hours of my day.
There was a gun store a few blocks away from the bank, and I thought to myself, mmm... but then realized that this strategy to get money to pay my mortgage was not of integrity, and the repercussions would surmount to prison time, legal fees, and hurt more than worth with such a short term instinct strategy. Yet, I was compelled to think of how people would be inspired to go to drastic measures for them, their family, to feed their kids, and our of desperation perform such criminal acts. I decide this is not a good idea, ha.
So, I leave the bank. I am getting a severe headache from lack of food, water, and the conglomeration of this with anger, impatience, and stress does not help my once positive energy upon waking up this morning.
I visit a place I have volunteered that I know would open their doors to me, provide shelter, and I could utilize their water fountain to quench my thirst, and dry mouth from talking all day about how to not lose my house. I find comfort at a table in silence with what appears some quiet, empty, sad homeless people that won't even look at anything but the wall in front of them, or their feet on the ground.
I find comfort and ease my headache a small bit with consuming some water, and can't help but think of the dirt and disease that may linger at this water fountain, not that it's dirty (it is) but with all the H1N1, Swine Flu, and other scares, and think to myself, "I don't have insurance/medical in this experiment!".
While sitting at my table, I think, "Well, where do the patrons of this facility and other shelters go for treatment, medicine, etc.?!". This will be something I add to my "Homeless For Half a Day" social experiment later, but for now, I have to find out how to keep heat, electric, and water flowing into my home, let along how to not lose my home. I am tired due to a headache, not eating, and stress. I am finding my attitude to become one of anger and complete frustration. This shows in my facial expression, and how I am sitting. I notice this, and sit up straight and continue on.
I call Duke, Water Works, and inquired how I can get help. Duke said there are community service agencies that could help, they gave me another number to call. Water Works did the same thing. I find out there are some organizations that help people keep heat/electric/water one during times like these. I am given more numbers, and more people to call. I am "phoned" out.
While walking around, I visit Findlay Market to cheer up. I say hello to a vendor, and he asks how I am doing. I say the typical/cordial "fine, and you?". He says I look like I am having a bad day. I explain my situation and about the experiment. He gives me an apple. I thank him, and my belief in the kindness of strangers and hope is rejuvenated. It was the tastiest apple I have ever had in my life.
My phone battery is dying. I go to the library by my house, which seems I am about to lose. I get on their computer, and realize this is where I and others could look for work, and also plug in my phone if you are luck to find a free outlet by your work station. This makes me happy, because I find an electrical outlet by my computer. I find out from google that the Community Action Agency can help me pay my Duke bill. I call them, explain what I am doing, they think I am crazy. They say you have to provide information, statements, and other information to get assistance. I think, "What if you didn't have a computer, job, weren't literate, didn't have a phone, or didn't ask the right questions...?!". You would not know what to do at all. I discovered being diligent and asking the right questions to the right person brings good discipline to this outreach project, and life in general.
The apple has not sufficed my hunger, as my headache returns, and I again seek food, and due to the library closing, need to find shelter. I am on the Board at the YMCA, and this is down the street, so I go there. I work out hoping this distracts my hunger, but it amplifies it. My stomach feels like it is eating itself! I don't like utilizing public showers, but here I have the opportunity to freshen up, shower, and try to wash away my frustration, hunger, and headache. Shower feels good, but I am not refreshed. I miss my home, and realize I am blessed to have the comfort of my own shower, food, bed, etc.
A friend calls, asks how I am doing, and I explain the experiment. He laughs, and says "Good luck". He also shares this is a cool idea, and asks how he can help. I find hearing from a friend during this down time helps distract my down attitude. I feel blessed to have great friends.
The "half day" is over. I go back to what I felt was not my dream life yet, and realize that I am truly blessed. I am compelled to share my journey, and come up with resources to help those in unfortunate situations through a resource guide, as there are agencies and organizations that you can go to for help, but many people do not know about them. I think of what I will do tomorrow.