Homeless For Half a Day

Strategic Social Experiment - homeless, no job, no money, what do you do?!
I seek to bring awareness to the onslaught of challenges brought to us by, none other than, ... introducing, "THE CHALLENGING ECONOMY"! I will be doing this through the heartprints inc. platform, and through the examples, interviews, stories, and profiles, capture and assimilate data and helpful guidance for "heartprints help guide". This, along with heartprints "CincyJobSpace" brand and initiatives will bring awareness to issues confronting those who are homeless to laid off executives.
Yes folks, it is REAL! You may not know about this, and pass by someone with their head hung low while walking downtown, begging your for a networking opportunity, money, food, or even a beer. You may let this pass by your ears because you are "stable in an unstable" situation. You have a job, your degree, your house payments are fine, and therefore there are no issues, right? WRONG!
I am performing a social experiment, where I seek to discover opportunities to share with those in need, and provide assistance and guidance. Thousands are laid off, losing their homes, financially unstable, leading to issues such as hunger, poverty, losing their family, behavioral issues, and the list goes on an on.
I have a job and a house, so half my day will be me utilizing my wit, charm, and savvy (wish me luck, ha!) to connect with resources for assistance, and the kindness of strangers to help me. I will need food, electricity (to charge my blackberry), computer (to blog and track my journey so you are in tune with it), shelter (it's getting cold), water, shower, and other basic needs to get by.
I am launching this "Brand America" social experiment to bring awareness to issues confronting our communities, as well as the non profit heartprints inc. The work and innovation will be strategically directed by siegel innovations.
We encourage you to share this with others, blog, twitter, facebook, ning, email, text, and other social media channels to bring awareness to this cause, as well as give your time, money, or materials by donating to heartprints approved charity accounts via 5/3 or paypal (info@heartprints.org) to support our efforts to improve lives and our communities through community driven positive impact initiatives.
Luceat Lux Vestra!
"We're as great as we help others become!"