Beyond The Resume
Beyond The Resume
First of all, BREATH! It’s just a resume! All too often we allow ourselves to get bogged down and over complicate the simple steps towards our career and or life dreams. Keep it simple, relevant, and to what is essential to have forward movement. You may not earn that dream position that you were targeting, but wonderful things will follow you if you keep your feet moving! Do not allow frustration to consume you, and realize it is more than a piece of paper, and is more about the pre work you do for the person’s eyes that view your materials, as well as who they connect it to for an interview.
Do not allow yourself to fall into dark places such as a down and out depressed state of mind, as this will inhibit growth and your return on time. It’s not easy, with the economy the way it is, the way others are in fear, and how companies at times treat their workers, but you must surpass these traps, and be passionate about your goals, willing to adapt to change, listen to your talented support staff of friends, co workers, colleagues, peers, mentors, etc. and do all you humanly can to make your efforts worth everyone’s time!
I have been on the roller coaster ride myself, and will spare your time with my story for another time. I am not perfect, do not have all the answers, but wanted to share advice culminated from various experiences, mistakes, and even at times “wins”! I invite you to share your stories, examples, and also advice inspired by these tools, but also from other places. Give yourself permission and empowerment to succeed! I hope this assists your efforts, motivates you to not give up, and generates some innovative thoughts and energy for your goals.
• Think of your resume as a tool to gain entry to the doors you seek to open
• Are you confidently comfortable with your resume? Do you worry when you hand it off to someone else? Red flag! Make sure you can speak to what achievements you have mentioned, don’t extend beyond facts, and be poised when asked about ANY part of it!
• The top portion of your resume is your “5 second commercial”. Most HR and or recruiters glance over beyond knowing how you spell your name to the top portion and decide to toss it or move forward, make it stand out appropriately.
• Does your resume align with the jobs you are targeting? Creative/Marketing jobs = stylish with substance, Engineering or Process/Project management = strong examples of projects and the impact you had? Easy to follow/read?! Make it “make sense” and fitting!
• Do not burn bridges while you have a job currently, pray and stay away from others who are not positive, and make sure you don't put yourself in a position you will regret.
• Resumes are resumes/pieces of paper, forcing your to share who you are and what you are about in 1 or even for the daring 2 pages. We are all busy, understand that you need to go from “online to offline” and make that resume more than paper! Be an extension of the resume by your outreach, finding the hiring managers/HR reps, and others who can support, guide, and open doors for you!
• I have had 1 out of every 100 people I have reached out to assist me the way I needed. Some of it was due to my learning curve, communication, and attitude, the other reasons for such low ROI of my time was due to others being busy, not willing to help, not in a position, or knowing how to help. Improve your odds! Be confident, respectful, have manners, follow up with more than thank you’s (utilize something personal and that is appropriate to follow up with, i.e. if they like coffee, send a coupon/voucher for a cup of coffee, be creative, but within limits).
• Build a portfolio vs. standard resume. Share your resume, but also create a powerpoint not merely for putting up on a big screen, but utilize its functionalities to generate case studies and “context, action, results” write up’s with pictures and also testimonial quotes. Have it bound, laminated, and professionally (and done in an affordable manner) with the resources and time you have. This shows your genius, impact, and passion you have for your work and life.
• Earning a new opportunity will take a lot of sacrifice, make sure you invest not only in finding a job, but a good fit, balance with life, friends, learn, etc.
• As far as your resume, focus on empowering words/leadership, and show how you performed/delivered/changed/innovated/managed/built/made impact with results
• There are tons of ways to do your resume, you just have to buckle down, be disciplined, and get it done/be proud of it (think of what you talk about vs. what you feel it should say, and the more passionate your tone is, the more you will be able to speak with confidence during an interview
• Can you transfer internally? Perhaps this is an option, or if willing to relocate, or dare I say, even a demotion/create a value added position internally or as a consultant!
• What is your top 10 company list? Can you gather this information after reading your resume? Can you directly correlate the specific job(s) you’re targeting, or is it a guessing game?
• The more you share and in an articulately focused manner convey to others, the better they can help you! Does your resume send a clear message?
• Is your resume and or communication a lily pad of bullet points?! FOCUS! You are a BRAND, and need to manage your name, resume, phone calls, emails, and other outreach in this manner. Are you expanding positive brand equity, messaging, awareness, and capacity?!
• Be aware and open to admitting your weaknesses and areas of improvements. All too often we focus on our strengths due to it being easier to talk about, as well as manage when sharing materials and information on resumes/during interviews. Don’t focus on them as much as your strengths of course, but be able to answer to those “behavioral based” questions of “Tell me a time you led a project, Encountered a difficult situation, failed and how you reacted, Learned, Are improving at…”. It will help you stand out if you are genuine, honest, authentic, and if done correctly!
• Stand up straight, smile, and have a motivated / comfortable tone. Momentum and energy inspires the same energy. Think “physics” and behavioral science, and integrate this style and perspective into your outreach and align it with your resume.
• Get creative, but make sure you don’t get scary! At times we can be perceived as desperate, needy, over bearing, and we feel we are being persistent and respectful. There is a reason people with jobs are more apt to earn a new position, it’s their poise and lack of desperation while conversing. What is your energy level at?!
• Get feedback from friends, colleagues (be careful with this group), and others that you respect and they will give an honest opinion to you. Make sure you’re willing to absorb the critique, listen, and not get defensive, but react with an “offense” to their thoughts where you are weak in some areas. There is a reason you are feeling upset when you hear certain things, as well as hearing them more than once! Those are hints you should take stock in, and take action on! Everyone will have an opinion on your resume, if you’re comfortable and confident in it, focus on the other areas you need help with such as finding the right companies and people vs. being distracted with resume work all the time. It’s more than a resume, it’s a lifestyle of outreach and multi targeted approaches. See first few bulleted advice tips above!
• You must network (average resumes per opening is 800 resumes) you must go from online to offline (aka utilize linkedin, your friends, network, reach out, meet for coffee/lunch/learn, etc.)
• It will not happen tomorrow, you must invest heavily into your goals, companies/job, have a "90 second commercial" that you utilize to share who you are, your message, etc.
• Refine your resume, get it to where you are proud of it, but honestly people look at you vs. the resume (it is important and a door opener, but there is much more to maximizing your efforts)
• Stay drive, stay positive, keep on reaching out, be persistent, have manners, meditate, pray, breath, get creative, build your brand, and make your dreams happen!
• Other great resources and guidance for you:
• heartprints CincyJobSpace on facebook:
• heartprints CincyJobSpace on internet/website:
• heartprints CincyJobSpace on blog (full Job Resource Guide list):
• heartprints CincyJobSpace on linkedin:
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