heartprints impact

heartprints IMPACT!
Outcomes | Measures | Results
By the numbers...
• Over 100 tickets provided for mothers & youth to visit the Freedom Center
• Over $3000 worth of clothing donated to Goodwill
• Over $2000 work of clothing donated to the YWCA Battered Women's Shelter
• Over 50 tickets given for youth to attend a Cincinnati Reds baseball game
• Over 1000 youth mentored & tutored at shelters & schools with average impact in performance of 10% (one letter grade) per student
• 20 shirts donated to Art program for educational supplies at local school
• 3 Families provided opportunity to attend "Thomas & Friends" at the Bank of Kentucky Center
• Over 2000 job opportunities & resources provided via heartprints "CincyJobSpace" brand/project
• 3 homes and a school built in La Ceiba, Honduras
• Over 100 youth & families provided the opportunity to visit the Cincinnati Museum Center
• Over 10,000 lbs of non-perishable food items donated to shelters, schools, and Freestore Foodbank
• Leading efforts to reduce the 35% rate of suseptability to jail time by shelter clients via heartprints & the Think!! Campaign
Thank You to all those who have helped make these great opportunities occur via heartprints! We could not have done this, and continue our outreach without you!
"We're as great as we help others become!"