Race for the Cure: heartprints team

My dear, near, and incredibly talented & "community driven" friends:
Abby, Sarah, Natalie, and myself have formed a "Race for the Cure" Team, and invite you to join us! We have friends & family that have been affected by cancer, and are gathering to join efforts to 'walk for a purpose' and take part in the Race (info below &http://www.komencincinnati
The site isn't too 'user friendly', but once you figure out how to look up our team/join, see info after logging in on the right at "My Race Center".
We'd be honored of you joined us, and regardless, appreciate your wonderful friendship, but if you don't join, we of course must break up, ha! Feel free to share this with our other friends, and hope to see you all soon! If you have any questions @ the Race, let me know!
"Race for the Cure" Team:
Welcome to Our Team Page!
In honor of the beautiful women in our lives who have struggled with or lost their fight with breast cancer, we have decided to form a team and join the Race for the Cure!
Please join us and Heartprints, a wonderful non profit organization helping the community to fullfill it's potential, as we walk or run to help raise funds for an amazing cause! We would LOVE to have as many people as possible be with us!
If you can't make it, you can also make a donation to a team member by clicking on their name below and visiting their personal page. Or, if you prefer, you may make a donation to our team as a whole.
THANK YOU for your support of Team Heartprints and Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure!
Sarah, Brian and Abigail
racing with purpose
team "heartprints" racing with purpose!
Join us as we 'race for the cure' in memory of Joan Raabe, and our friend Abby Dindo's aunt Christine who both passed from cancer.
We invite you to participate by partnering with the 'heartprints' team to inspire a cure, and honor their (and so many others) memories.
Thank You,
Brian Siegel
A message from Abigail Dindo afdindo@yahoo.com.
Dear Friends and Family,
My friend Brian, my sister Sarah and I have formed Team heartprints for the Komen Greater Cincinnati Race for the Cure to be held on September 12, 2009 in DOWNTOWN CINCINNATI, OHIO. Each of us is participating in honor of someone we know who is either currently battling or has sadly lost their fight with Breast Cancer.
heartprints, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded by my friend Brian, that provides community outreach programs to the Greater Cincinnati area. As Breast Cancer has personally impacted his life, Brian has graciously allowed us to use the heartprints name for our team.
So why, you ask, am I emailing you? We want your help!
Ways to participate:
Register to participate in the Race for the Cure- Join Team Heartprints! The bigger the group, the better!
Make a donation ONLINE by simply clicking on the link at the bottom of this message
Make a donation by mail to the Komen Greater Cincinnati Affiliate (address below) Find out if your employer sponsors a matching gift program, and ask to support Komen
Komen Greater Cincinnati Affiliate - 522 Cincinnati Mills Dr. Suite C281 Cincinnati, OH 45240
Donations are tax-deductible and will fund innovative outreach and awareness programs for medically underserved communities in Greater Cincinnati and national breast cancer research.
Thank you for your support!
Abigail Dindo
Click here to visit my personal page.
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Click here to view the team page for Team Heartprints
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If you no longer wish to receive email messages sent from your friends on behalf of this organization, please click here or paste this URL into your browser: http://www.komencincinnati
join the heartprints team!
We inspire you to participate by joining our team!
Luceat Lux Vestra!
Brian Siegel
"We're as great as we help others become!"