Celeb Trainer Secrets

The Best Celeb Trainer Fitness Tricks
By Lucy Danziger, SELF Editor-in-Chief - Posted on Wed, Mar 25, 2009, 5:30 pm PDT
Happier, Healthier You
by Lucy Danziger, SELF Editor-in-Chief a Yahoo! Health Expert for Women's Health

Maybe you don't have the time or money to invest in a personal trainer, let alone one who works with Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson or Eva Longoria. That's where SELF comes in! We quizzed some of Hollywood's top fitness pros and coaxed them into spilling 14 secrets they usually save for the stars. Try them during your next sweat session, and soon your body will hit the A-list (A as in amazing!).

Breathe your way to flat abs: "When doing crunches, I exhale during the contraction, my lips pursed, as if I'm blowing through a small straw," says Jay Blahnik, a trainer in Laguna Beach, California, who has worked with Jane Fonda. "I feel my stomach muscles contract more intensely, and I stay more focused."

Get on the ball: During crunches and other ab moves, hold an 8- to 12-inch exercise ball between your knees or ankles to get your inner thighs and glutes in on the action, says Brooke Siler, owner of re:AB Pilates Studio in New York City, who has worked with Kirsten Dunst.

Make a list: Plan your sculpting workouts in advance so you can whiz through the circuit—and back into your favorite jeans—in no time, suggests fitness and lifestyle consultant Ashley Borden of Los Angeles, who trains super-fit singer Natasha Bedingfield. Create your basic routine as well as one for when you have more time. Join the SELF Challenge for a toning routine that you can do at the gym or at home in under 25 minutes.

Tune in, tone up: "Pick songs with lyrics that support the goals in your life," says Mandy Ingber, a yoga and Spinning instructor in L.A. who trains Jennifer Aniston. Need some inspiration? Try the fire-it-up playlists that work for celebs like Taylor Swift, Michelle Williams and Jenna Fischer.

Mix things up: After doing the same cardio routine day after day, your body gets a little too comfortable and stops giving you the calorie-burning, muscle-toning benefits you once reaped. Avoid hitting a plateau by switching up your sweat sessions each month, rotating the elliptical, treadmill, StairClimber and bike, suggests Michelle Kennedy, an exercise physiologist in Washington, D.C.

Go low to high: When doing your toning sessions, begin by working your lower body. "Legs are your largest muscle group, so the moves require more energy than ones for your upper body," says L.A. trainer Rob Parr, who works with Naomi Watts. Focusing on working your legs and butt when you're fresh will guarantee a slimmer, more sculpted lower half. Try these moves to sculpt lean legs fast!

Conjure motivating thoughts: To help get through a tough workout, Ingber suggests repeating a self-praising mantra, such as "I have amazing arms!" to think of how sexy you are rather than what you want to change. Ingber herself uses this tip, as well as visions of how she’ll look on a date with her latest crush to rev up energy.

Revel in rivalry: Some healthy competition can turn your same-old workout into a serious slim-down—and your fellow contestant doesn't even have to be in on the game. Next time you feel as if you're fading, find a person in the gym or at the track who has an amazing body or is working hard and focus on doing more than she does, says Mike Heatlie of Edinburgh, Scotland, Gwen Stefani's trainer.

Kick the counting: When it comes to sculpting sexy muscles, you usually aim to do a specific number of reps. Don't stick to it, says celebrity trainer Adam Ernster. "If you set out to do 12, mentally you shut down at 12, even if you could do more," he says. Instead, have a ballpark figure you need to surpass, then keep going until you couldn't possibly do another.

Have an abs-travaganza: Abs may be one of your strongest muscle groups because you use them so frequently—to sit, to stand straight, etc.­—but as anyone can tell you, they are notoriously difficult to tone. To tighten your tummy more effectively, do all your ab moves (bicycles, crunches, roll-ups) back-to-back, says Nicole Stewart, a celebrity pilates instructor in L.A. Sure, it might burn, but your results will be scorching! For A-list abs, try these moves.

Feel grateful for your healthy body: When curling up for a nap sounds nicer than working out, pause for a minute and give thanks that you have the ability to make that choice. "I think about how lucky I am to be capable of doing so many activities that many people aren’t," says Patrick Murphy, a celebrity trainer in L.A. who has helped Eva Longoria get toned. Taking a moment to recognize your good fortune will likely help you get to the gym every time.

Want even more quick toning moves or a personal workout session with Jillian Michaels? We’ve got one on video waiting for you at Self.com.



Changing up your work-out plan is definitely a good idea. Thanks for sharing the Yoga tips. Love the image you have with the Blog post.

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