Geomagnetism & Marketing

Ever sit around wondering about the Earth's magnetic properties or Geomagnetism and how it relates to marketing?! I don't usually either, but during a discussion about being present while on this planet, how we interact, the energies we exert and give off generated this interestingly random and mind stimulating conversation. I took it a bit further by thinking about how as someone with the 'marketing mind' could connect this to the science of marketing. Although it may seem miles apart, how the Earth interacts with it's surroundings shares numerous metaphors with marketing. Marketing requires a connection with it's surroundings, an energy or 'magnetism' generates from a quality product/service/experience that attracts a long term meaningful interaction. How do you connect your message? How do you create a space of purpose driven meaning to magnetize towards?

Like the 'geomagnetic' forces, the landscape and environment of marketing efforts and how they're leveraged, utilized, and dispersed affect the core of the initiatives. How the energy is managed, released/launched, and harnessed to connect with various 'layers of the onion' dictates the outcome. Learning the shape, pattern, and dissecting/analyzing the layers of decision making and behavior are key in both marketing and diagnosing the ingredients of Earth's grand 'alchemy' as well as one's target audience. The current at which things flow, discovering balance, and working towards a stable sustainability are also shared similarities between a marketing plan and Earth's naturally organic plan. There are various flows and processes, and during these ever changing times, the Earth has 'magnetic storms', as does the marketing world when faced with 'challenging economic times'. There must be a respectful balance, direction of a focused flow, meaningful message calibrated towards an intentionally engaged vision/plans for connectivity (or at times luck & timing can play an integral role, outweighing planned phenomenons occasionally!) or there will be consequences to your brand, just like the weather in any environment.

Becoming more aware and culturally proficient with knowledge economy related to science, physics, and how the biology of our planet works can allow us to integrate metaphorical interpretations that creatively resonate in a collaborative manner together. Gravity, thermodynamics, electrical current, tides, forests, plants, trees, hibernation, seasons, health, physiology, biology, quantum physics, astronomy, and many more wonderful comparisons can be made to how we interact not only in our world, but in the business climate & marketing as well.


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