Dove Self Esteem Campaign
Dove Self-Esteem Campaign
While viewing the Oscars the other night, I noticed an onslaught of commercials for JC Penny, and one of the commercials had a song that started with the line, "Size 2...". I feel they need more than to trick consumers into believing their exhausted company and brands with commercials to entice traffic, and to amplify their quality and service efforts, but that's another blog or story. For now, I want to focus on the external relations Dove has implemented, and the way they have orchestrated a wonderful effort to connect with consumers and communities.
I have heard about Unilever’s Dove Brand taking action on a much needed subject related to women and self esteem. It has been implemented in schools, and focused on youth to improve how they view themselves, assess the consumer driven onslaught of messages from products & services that define beauty in terms that to acquire you it's almost required to perform negative unhealthy actions to achieve. It is much needed as our society has become extremely sexualized and distorted in so many ways. Beauty is not only defined by what commercials, media, and other mediums connect via their messages, but it surpasses the exterior aesthetics. It's not easy to 'fit' into this world at times, as we are all different shapes and sizes, let alone personality, and on top of that the baggage and situations we are managing personally. For instance, I am six foot seven and left handed, that makes life interesting enough, not to mention all the other drama and challenges I face, it's not always easy to appreciate who and what you are at times, especially when TV, ads, and commercials are telling me I am not 'beautifully normal'. I can’t fit on planes, sit at desks comfortably, and require special scissors, ha. There are bigger fishes to fry vs. my situation, but I comically share these examples to peel the layers of media that dictate what ‘beauty’ is. It’s putting your shoulders back and chin up, walking with confidence, comfortable in your skin, finding your purpose, and leading passionately.
Leadership and confidence are key in today's world, and we must educate ourselves with awareness to not be what others say we should be. We should be healthy through diet and exercise, but perform the right things the right way to achieve beauty, as it is a byproduct of a healthy lifestyle and living. We must inspire others to realize that beauty is diverse, not limited to the definition portrayed by media, and truly a spiritually aesthetic entity. If we feel good about ourselves, we smile more, and that's one of the easiest ways to improve our appearance for free!
Great job Dove Team on the campaign, gathering people together for such a great cause & initiatives! I would like to see more companies going beyond the basics of shelf space, packaging, and branding to connect with consumers creatively through such efforts. I am certain a side effect of this campaign will be improved connection and loyalty to your consumers, audience, and communities.