Chew on This


So you don't drink coffee (or do, and just once in a blue moon), don't take ten smoke breaks like your other co workers, and need something to grasp onto for a distraction for making it through those mundane days?!

I have your answer, gum! Yes, gum. It gives you something to fidget with, a genre that isn't too detrimental to your health, and may even improve it with oral care and detergents in whatever gum you may choose that enhances your hygiene such as removing debris from left over teeth gunk from food, breath, removing particles, whitening, etc.

You can get a bulk discount on gum at establishments such as Sam's / WalMart or CostCo, but I suggest this only if you know you enjoy the gum or you'll be stuck with a lot of what you don't enjoy! You can impulse buy while in Kroger's line checking out tabloids and get roped into the overpriced single pack gums.

I enjoy 'intelligently or creatively' packaged gum. Lately I have indulged in Stride, and Extra Fruit Sensations, even combining them, crazy, I know! I recall times from child hood when the trend was the Wrigley's Spearmint gum and Juicy Fruit. To save on gum consumption, and maximize capacity, people would rip the gum in half, cutting through the thin aluminum wrapping to share the delight with another. Recess entailed bubble gum blowing contests amongst those who were willing and dared, usually utilizing Bubbaliscous Watermelon or another flavor from the poofy squarelike gum. Bazooka was given out during Halloween, but most people liked the Bazooka Joe cartoon more than the gum! I recall for a while when a kid the Big League Chew gum was popular, around the time Weekly Readers were given out and before Nancy Reagan brought awareness to the DARE program and how the usage of tobacco was detrimental to your health = down goes candy cigarette and Big League Chew sales!

Currently my favorite gum is Wrigley's "5", the Lush flavor. Perhaps it's due to the innovative ads, or pricey packaging, but all in all, it's enjoyable. Not too flavorful or sugary, and just the right about of burst to where it's not overbearing, yet enhances the total experience. I would like to think I like it due to the substance/context of the product, and not totally due to the packaging and aesthetics, but I am human. I urge you to be an educated consumer and not like things because commercials and companies tell you that you do, but because it is of quality, and a great over all experence worth your time and the cost beyond packaging/commercials/aesthetics. Maybe I did buy into the 'experience driven' 5 Gum commercials.

Make certain if you are in a professional environment to chew gum that doesn't smell immature. I recommend a gum that smells and tastes of spearmint for the work spaces. You don't want to bump into a VP or CEO smelling like hubba bubba!

Nowadays there are gum's that are endorsed by the Dental Association (not only the 9 out of 10 dentists) that fight cavities, as well as whiten. These remove debris from your teeth, as well as improve your oral health. Some gum's I recommend for this, and you can verify on your own accord, are Eclipse and Dentyne. I must admit I do prefer Double Mint, although I haven't noticed any health benefits proven on the packaging.

Perception is reality at times, so I hope you find your favorite gum because you find it, and not it finding you staring you in the face while checking out in the grocery line with a flashy yellow discounted price when in line!

I find it intriguing how manufacturers and marketers of gum heavily invest into various campaigns, design, and packaging techniques. At the end of the day, the quality and chewing experience are the most important, and difficult marketing initiatives anyone can lead. It's interesting to see how one can be identified by the gum they purchase.

What's your favorite gum?
What gum has your favorite packaging?
What's your flavor?
How do you feel the flavor, package, and related identity affects a gum's success vs. failure?
What gum's do think sell the most?
Do you think marketing dollars spent on gum directly influence sales?
What gum would you create, and how would you market it?


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