Grown up and still don't know what you want to do?!

Everything is a process you can systematically break down and figure out. Nomenclature, organic chemistry, anatomy and physiology, accounting, etc. Like a jump shot, blocking, free throw, line assignments, duties, and sports in general, you have to understand the basics to appreciate and identify where you can go within the system you are in. Then, you can use your kinetic energy to become a catalytic force.

I was constantly asked, “what do you want to be when you grow up”, then hear adults jokingly ask their peers, when they’re supposedly “grown up”, still: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” why is that? Maybe we don’t pay attention to the words we’re saying, get feedback, listen to our core, find where we fit, or even seek the journey we desire. Action. Simple effort. The key is to realize that we’re all in an amoeba like structure, feeding off of everything. Our very words, thoughts, and actions are all forces of nature, just invisible. What we see, taste, choose, and decisions we make are based on previous experiences. We can break patterns, identify goals, and take our energy and seek where we want to go, or merely vibrate like a large magnet, stagnant, yet with energy. Like a basic physics principal, energy in motion stays in motion, and pent up inertia needs to be released. We’re pent up inertia. Why is Dr. Phil so popular? Why do we have so many self help books, medicine like Ritalin and Prozac, sleeping pills, vicodin, alcohol, and many other self medicating efforts that are all else but flawless to create a sanctuary that is inevitably a haven for hurt? We pay everything forward, and everything is a reciprocating circle. We are art, subjects of study are art, medicine is art, accounting is art, and it’s all tangible and interactive. The problem is we look at things as burdens rather than artistic impressions of opportunities.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Well, I’m grown up, and still asking this question. CEO’s are still asking this question. Is it that they’re not grown up? NO! It’s that they’re consistently and consistently asking themselves this question. Successful people aren’t neurotic and obsessive compulsive, they are driven and desire to succeed. They’re smart enough to know that life, energy; the “amoeba” is constantly changing and shifting. If you try to fight a tidal wave, what happens? The force of a tidal wave is (research amount) and the natural average force of a punch thrown by a heavy weight boxer is (psi?) . Who will win? A whale, bear, Lamborghini, or even Donald Trumps bank account can’t fight the force of a tidal waves psi. What can fight natural law or forces of nature? You can. Bill Gates did not plan to become a multibillionaire, or have the goal of becoming a CEO. What he did do is focus on the present which had a future, make choices that were congruent with decisions needed to keep focus and harnessed his passion to narrow his energy towards the successful goals he had. The fact that he is successful is not based on a desire for greed or ego driven glory. It was based on the facts that he was focused on being a force of nature, make a statement, have energy driven towards his imagination and bring them within grasps.

I had a stats class during my MBA, and I never used excel. This class was excel based. The professors (yes, professors, I took the class twice) would ask if anyone had a question about the concept at hand, and not only did I have a question about the concept, but I was still trying to plug in the formulas into the excel boxes. Timing, research, drive, expertise, awareness, frustration, challenges, concepts, newness, and blame were all crossing my mind constantly. What was I to do? I am in this class that is a subject I appreciate and care for, but don’t have a passion to be an expert in the basic fundamentals in how to measure and analyze via this system. I began to realize that everything is relational. By that I mean stats is related to a free throw. Stats are related to the observations one can make on the upper left ventricle of the human heart. Stats could be glued to the very functions of other passions I have. I could measure the average age of when someone has the highest likely hood of a heart attack, or where blockage can occur. I could measure the stats on the size of a heart, or even the average number of times the flap opens and closes during a systolic flow, and how many times the human heart beats in ones lifetime. I then take this on a tangent to what your heart beats for, and what pumps it better than the others? Relational to our passion, the feeling the mind encapsulates and releases to bursts of joy through the lust or love feelings we experience. What does that entail? Risk. I circle back, if we want to enjoy our lives, we more than likely take risks. Eating, relationships, people, love, money, home, and the patterns in our lives affect our heart. Accounting and financial planning (or lack thereof) can affect the heart, you think? The most common occupation or position where one commits suicide is (financial planning, stocks, etc.) due to stress. That’s a way to stop your heart real quick. All of these entities can be measured, analyzed, and plugged into a formulated algorithm for diagnosis. While reading the book “Blink” by Malcolm Gladwell, he mentions a study in the hospital where the show “ER” is based on in Chicago. They had issues in their ER and problems with heart attack diagnosis. The timing and methods were inefficient. They teamed up with scientists, mathematicians, and experts and developed an enhanced method of measure, which saved cost, time, and connected the method to assist more patients with focused energy and resources. There it is again, like Bill Gates, focused drive and passion. Using your energy to align with care and passion to improve, enhance, and embrace change. “The only constant is change”. We try to harness perpetual energy. We are having fuel and economic disaster. Human relations are at a all time violent and chaotic cornucopia of mess. Will a statistical analysis cure these problems? NO! Will the data collected, or ideas one has improve this? NO! What if someone had an idea, a passionate feeling, and took action such as for an way to improve our ozone, would you listen? What if I told you, “You breath oxygen”. What would you think of that? Then I said, “You drive a car”. Minor luxuries of the century we take for granted. We’re litterbugs. Believe it or not, we pollute, even if we give a hoot! Our inefficient use of our short time on this planet, our wasted talent, and lack of seeking passion and drive is littering our spirits. Like the fossil fuels we assume will be around forever, and all the information and stats we have showing that we’re basically imploding on this planet, we’re not very concerned. Some people see the “big picture”, but we seem to turn more spiritual and religious once things are is such utter chaos, the turmoil finally turns our head.
Head turning. Autism is found to be in (1 in 100) new borns now. Does that turn your head? Do you know we have mechanical ears that essentially give the gift of hearing to people that at one time it was impossible to hear? (Cochlear ear implant, plugs directly into the brain). We have the capabilities to bless others with basic knowledge and senses that we take for granted. Sight, hearing, and many others. But what about believing? How can I instill belief and hope to you? How could I convey a perspective to you that allows you to see behavioral psychology shows families with single moms are the norm, and relates directly to the success of a child? That with enhanced medicine and our capabilities we can assist and break the cycle of autism? We can provide hearing for the deaf, sight for the blind, and even be “fathers to the fatherless”. Be something to the “less”. Address the less. The home less, money-less, the sight-less etc. What is your purpose? Is it to breath the very oxygen you are polluting? Is it to merely exist and be a sitting magnet, awaiting someone to release you like a catapult from the roman days, and provide you with the visions you knew you had? We were built for community, but we don’t use community the way we should. What a nice word. Community. A bunch of homes, police officers, parks, schools etc. Like accounting, we forget the most valuable and measurable asset on the balance sheet. People.

Like a heart condition, we can dig to discover the issues found within inventory or the way something is reported in accounting. Stocks are an investment, often something like golf clubs that people invest time and money in over family, yet never give a hug back. What is the point? Focus? Aren’t we tricking ourselves to be parts of large organizations for security that has the opportunity cost of taking away the focus of our dreams and Plan B’s? Why is GE or P&G plan A? There are cultures that emphasize or at least state, “balance between personal and professional” “family and business”, but we know all too often that this can create a conflict of interest. Try leaving a board meeting for a child’s recital or soccer game. Would you ask? Would you attempt? What feeling do you desire to stay away from most? The fact you could lose your swagger in the workplace, or the fact you disappoint and place on a child’s memory or “hard rive” forever you missed a game? Why isn’t family “Plan A”? We seem to have plan A’s, B’s, C’s, … what plan is our passion? Do we have one any more? If I take enough pills I might! Then, after all this, I need to take care of my heart by working out, mental relief time, hobbies, then love my family, then excel at my job, then leave a legend in this life. Stressful? I think so! I once heard a story where a gentleman retired from a tool manufacturing facility after 35 years, and never asked for a thing. Someone asked, “what would you have done differently”, he replied, “I would’ve asked for a new chair”. 35 years, abusing his own arse, and never said a word. This man was my grandfather. I barely knew him, and he barely knew himself. During the awkward time of attempting to get to know him, my own father, and grandmother, my grandmother passed. Soon after my grandfather fell ill, had a stroke, fell on his face, suffered many injured, and spoke laying down through grasps of his hand, and his eyes. A victim and sufferer of his own creations? Did he not figure out the system of passion, energy, love, and drive? I had so many thoughts crossing my mind of what was he like? Why do people make these mistakes? Why don’t they see these things? How can I speak to these things while my father I am trying to know while we’re here and he’s suffering too? Are we all victims? NO! We have choice. We can get muddy, get our nails dirty, and pump life into our veins. What are the stats on that? The past has no future, but today does.
How can one see the differences in regions on a muscle from human body? How can one see a flaw on a financial statement? How does one recognize an outlier on a stat measurement? How does one see the mistake on medication from the basic chemical make up? How does one identify the body movement related to the feeling or if one was abused while talking about a certain subject? Instinct, training, experience, talents, gifts, being open, and learning. What are you watching? What do you spend your time on? What are you focused on, passionate about, and putting energy towards? Are you a victim? Will you be one?

Find your passions, harness your energy to take action, and make positive impact. Be your passion, be of purpose, discover your meaning.

"How you react to obstacles, defines your identity"


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