Find Your Fit

So you don’t fit?! Seeking your purpose, to combine your personal AND professional objectives?! While pursuing your fit, you'll be amazed at how ironically your 'fit finds you', make sure you're aware and listening!

Have you ever heard this said to you, “You are talented, unique, creative, and innovative (all what companies say they are looking for), but we cannot find a fit”? What do you do then? You don’t have enough capital to start your own firm. You don’t have investors, a building, or employees. So, what do you have? I tell you what you have. Talent. You are a unique individual with a lot more to offer than what monitored power structures limits people to. You have ambition, drive, and passion. Harness it, learn, and release it through channels you can connect with. Take respectful and calculated risks, go to places that may be uncomfortable to grow, and dare to be different. This allows you to adapt and accept change, the infamous continuous item in all aspects of life. Listen to your heart, instincts, and hear what is truly being spoken. Collaborate with others to discover more about yourself, learn different perspectives, and where your position on various subjects stand.

To lead is to instill belief, vision, and be with your team. You improve your position, place, team, and others by not just saying you believe in them, but showing them. (“This is My Ship”). You get your nails dirty with your colleagues, not just delegating to your team. You provide resources that they can use, leverage what you have, and exploit the unique capabilities you have within your team and surroundings. Make things the best they can be, with whatever you have. Take pride in each step and breath you have in order to progress. This instills loyalty, and breed’s energy and enthusiasm for your goals.

Find your fit, be 'shapeable and moldable' to “form to fit”, and move your elbows to create opportunity in the trenches. There, you will make your name, not vice versa. Patience, accountability, and action will be a virtues in this matter, and once you focus on your passions, the glory and revitalization will follow like a tidal wave of relief! You can do all the career assessments in the world, but you should ask yourself some key questions:

·What do I enjoy?
·What do I do outside of work?
·What are my dreams (write down a list of 100, look at them and reflect regularly!)?
·What actions am I taking towards my dreams and goals?
·Where do I see myself?
·Am I happy where I am?
·What steps can I take, organizations I can give service too, and people I can meet to achieve both our goals, building reciprocating relationship?

Connect with others, network, read, learn, and find channels that are catalysts for you to bridge your present to a more 'fitting' future. Do what it takes and implement action to your passions and dreams. You know what you want to do or enjoy, then partake in events, projects, and other mediums that facilitate a connection to your goals. Tired of surveys, hearing about others happiness and doing what they love?! Stop wondering why that isn't you, and see what they did to discover what they enjoyed, and materialized an opportunity!


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