Business | Personal | *radical

"It's All Personal"

Whoever said "It's not personal, it's business.", was (and is) wrong. "Radical Idea" = It is all personal! Think of when, and who has said this line to you. What were the circumstances, and the purpose of this less than caring, all too often "my bad" for those who selfishly engage in an activity benefiting only one party. Business being personal, is not an event, it's a lifestyle. It's not a personal opinion, it's a proven method of marketing strategy and brand building/engagement/strategy. If you learn that business and personal are not independent of each other, you will learn one of the secrets as to why some leaders encapsulate the essence of a 'charismatic energy', and happiness. They simple integrate their lives holistically, being aware and in tune with the that fact they are, what they do. So, are you!

What is business? Websters Dictionary defines it as follows >>

Definition and Descriptions: Notice the 'personal' interaction with people, and life these descriptions share >>
  • purposeful activity
  • an immediate task or objective : mission business here>
  • a particular field of endeavor
  • a means of livelihood
  • movement or action
  • maximum effort
  • an activity
  • a personal endeavor and concern
*for humor only, no lie, check it out for yourself via the definition > a bowel movement —used especially of pets (I hope your 'business' does not portray, or smell, this depiction, ha, laugh, it's good for us all)

Synonyms: Notice the 'custom' word, is short for 'customer', but also 'custom' is a personally tailored experience/project, and patronage is 'interaction'. custom, patronage
Antonyms: Notice the 'antonyms' our society tags 'business' with, and you wonder why it is a 'dog eat dog' vs. 'dog feed dog' industry, this 'business' we are in! allegiance, devotion, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, loyalty, staunchness, steadfastness
Near Antonyms: My humor button is pressed when I see 'near antonyms' being 'trustworthiness and dependability', we know the truth ; ) dependability, reliability, trustworthiness; defense, protection, safeguard, shield

Business is not a one way transaction, where one side is the giver, the other is the receiver, and an entity merely becomes a repository for garbage of some form. It is an interactive, engaging, and participatory experience, between two or more parties. Hopefully, both sides mutually benefit, but all too often, in today's 'bottom line results driven' world, someone is attempting to 'one up' the other through a deal.

I present to you a radical idea. The idea is to seek to submit to someone else with humility the service/product you are selling, and encourage a way that you both may benefit, transparently, through a collaborative, servant leadership, and learn how you both may profit beyond immediate monetary distribution/reception. In the short term, you will not benefit as grand financially, but long term, you will reap what you sow from such action through this approach. Think around this as a "social business", not that you are giving something away, not necessarily a not-for-profit, but your strategy is similar. You seek out how you may better serve a community\consumer\citizen vs. how to "get" their money. You seek to "earn" someones business by sharing your idea\product\service, engage in a friendship, and through this relational approach, you won't have a 'one hit wonder', but you shall thrive a lifetime. A good example may be someone purchasing, no, investing during a meeting in someone's lunch/coffee, realizing that this gratitude may end up serving their dinner for meals to arrive from conversation and interaction. It's not selfish, it's 'for self', it's not 'giving to get', but 'getting by giving'. You have heard some of this before, and I am not radically seeking to change a sales approach, business strategy, or put you out of business by giving the farm away, but more by 'processing the milk differently'.

At times, being courteous, giving, a servant, or friendship are counter-intuitive in cut throat, competitive environments. I say, it's novel, as well as noble. There's a class to approaching people, and business, in a personally respectful, and engaging manner. The folks/leaders that learn this, are top sales performers, entrepreneurs, and leaders on a personal, and professional standpoint. You cannot separate the two. If you act one way at home, then another way at work, you will get post traumatic stress disorder trying to figure out why you're stressed at work, and the primary reason is because you aren't being you, or you can't be you. Why are you happy at home, but dread and trudge into work? It's not because of business, but perhaps your approach. That, in tandem with spending vs. investing so much time at work compared to home, leadership you do not align with, and other stressors can generate traction for disaster (and plain old simple horrible anxiety/feelings). Who wants to live like that?!It's like being a Christian, but you do not invite God into your drive, words, thoughts, actions, coffee time, music, writing, work, or other activities. If you separate the two, you are not living as your true self, holistically. Why bring up spirituality, life, and leadership with business? Glad you asked, it's because they're all integrated.

You end up feeling empty, because of this separation. I am not saying you have to stand on your cubicle or corner office desk and shout out your personal opinions, but simply (and personally) with respect to your environment(s), integrate your holistic self with accountable ownership. All too often we worry about "making money", then "money ends up making you". Your identity is more than a spreadsheet, balance sheet, income statements (although, success can certainly be measured quantitatively by way of these necessary business tools/measure), but can be defined also via qualitative measures and aptitudes. Essentially, you are not a robot, and if you act as so, buying into the notion that 'business is not personal', you will discover the underlying reasons under the cold dark stingy boulder you're feeling empty, guilty, tired, fearful, and exhausted.

Business is personal. You will gain more traction with others in business, as well as your own self, but implementing servant driven strategies. It's a personal connection, and decision to be intentional, accountable, and of integrity with your relationships, as well as business (my point is they're one in the same, as you have customers at home, work, ... everywhere!). It is more than a transaction, it is a strategic interaction. An engagement between people, sharing goods/services/funds, and we all are aware at how important a role 'funds' play in our behavior, decisions, emotions, feelings, and life. How much more personal can you get? Successful marketing firms, agencies, and other organizations 'get this'. They understand, and build a business, on driving/creating/inventing ways to engage consumers better, faster, cheaper, and all while not intruding upon the virtue of quality. Discovering ways to share a message, convey the right identity, and interact with a consumer/customer to inspire a purchase, is a personal investment. Energizing a 'moment of truth', or as I like to define as 'Spark Marks', are considered, from shape/smell/design/aura/space/platform/etc. to invite a purchase, but we all know building loyalty for sustainable interaction and long term/frequent purchases (or as I like to label, "investments") are key for the Marketing world (unless you have a rare one of a kind priceless item, but even then, how did it get deemed this coveted item/identity). We bring these items, whether it's a car, toilet paper, razor, food, or other CPG products into our homes, put them on our bodies, eat them, touch them, digest them, see them, and they are present for personal moments during our lives. How is 'business not personal'? How much more personal can you get?! Money, decisions, investments, bathrooms, kitchens, clothes, etc., how can you separate your decisions to purchase, between the gap of 'it's just business/I just need this'? Those who figure out, dissect, and analyze the purpose for purchase, tapping into the psyche of a community\consumer, are brilliant geniuses, who are coveted creatives, inspiring a truly "Personal Business | Business of Personal". Once you figure this out, you will radically adjust your business/development approach, as well as begin analyzing your own decisions.

With encouragement,
Brian Siegel

"We're as great as we help others become!"

*Seek to build your brand, bring it alive, and integrate bold game changing marketing into your business/systems? Give us a today! We will build + create custom strategies to inspire (genuinely authentic) 'personal engagement + participation' between your business + consumers!

surpassing sustainability, together


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