Bad Hair = Good Marketing

The "Axe" team gets it! Utilizing organic & viral media, social media management, utilizing humor about a subject that isn't a life emergency yet resonates with a large target audience, and doing so in a fun, connective, and engaging manner works! The "Bad Hair Campaign", online analysts, having a demographic of people that can 'judge' and essentially provide candid feedback in a less then detrimental or hurtful/harmful manner to inspire change, as well as bring about brand awareness works!

They are following the success of an "Obama-like" innovative social media savvy strategy with a 800 number, online picture/info sharing, social media groups, and other creative channels. They even have a girl band singing about the hair, invite others to share their insights & songs (being in tune with the accessibility of the internet & Web 2.0 abilities, as well as people's desire to be 'rock stars' and part of something).

Great job, it is a fun campaign you're doing, hope the revenues surpass the costs. Great energy and creativity!


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