Influencer Marketing, Technology, and Politics

Technology & Politics: Campaign 2008
Obama vs. McCain: War of the Web, you decide, or do you?!

We learned how Kennedy essentially beat Nixon when the first televised debate was held by his looks, charm, and simple strategies such as looking at the camera/make up... (people watching TV felt Kennedy prevailed, people listening to the radio felt Nixon won). Now apply similar principals to how we utilize the internet, youtube, linkedin, twitter, facebook, myspace, wiki, and other applications. If utilized properly, the internet can be a powerful tool to either fuel your efforts, or be detrimental. Check out Barack Obama's and John McCain's websites. I signed up for both, and discovered that Barack is on just about every connecting tool utilized by folks for social networking, career sites, and other realms. McCain's is simple, provided general information, and could use some work. When signing up, I continue to have much feedback from the Obama campaign. Granted it's not personal, but it's an interaction none the less generating a connection of some form.

As far as the sites, the color, tone, and engaging functionality of Barack's site outweighs McCain's site. It's more engaging to venture around Obama's, the tone is more soft, colorful, yet consistent. It has blue backgrounds (and red/white generating a patriotic feel), great graphics, and an inviting feel. McCain's is hard, dull, and lacks as much functionality/inviting mediums (not to mention Palin speaking right away welcoming you, not a great transition when entering the site). I am not partial to either candidates, but am merely pointing out that fact that if you have a great communicating tool to market yourself in today's world, you have a better chance at creating/capturing value about who you are, what you're doing, and 'influencer marketing'.

Today's political realms utilizes online tools such as blogging, websites/design, and the internet to fuel efforts. One can energize awareness immediately with utilizing the web. It's cheap, fast, and efficient. You still must have substance and context in your values, integrity, and character when speaking about what you stand for, actions you will take, and your agenda as a leader (we hope) beyond placing space on the internet, but it's a highly effective and productive connecting device.

Do you feel technology influences campaigns, decisions, and perceptions? Check out their sites, I am curious as to what your insights regarding the different campaigns. What are your insights regarding what you have seen from the media, news, internet, etc.? What other 'tricks of the trade' are campaign leaders, politicians, advisors, etc. utilizing? It's interesting to see how technology and marketing influence campaigns. Even how media displays a picture, or even where someone places a picture on a blog can lead your perception in a different direction... I even called (800) FREE 411 the other day, and heard an add for Obama, as well as received a text! Technology is playing a vital role in reaching out to voters in creative ways! I am excited to see more people interested and involved in politics lately with all the excitement with the diversity, and issues of Election 2008. I hope we take steps to improve our economy, health care, education, jobs, and other realms of American life, so we once again show the world why the USA is such a great place, founded on great principals...


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