Restorative Justice

I was reading Hamilton County Commissioner David Pepper's blog , and his entry, "Reducing Jail Costs, Reducing Recidivism" inspired some thoughts.

With focus not too long ago on Cincinnati's jail system, I was wondering, what types of rehab programs does Cincinnati's jails/prisons systems utilize? Unlike marketing/business, jail is one place we do not want repeat customers. I was wondering what types of programs, preventative/pro active steps we engage with, and how we manage criminals/inspire them from the core to change/better their lives/not be detrimental to our society/communities/others. (prison stats)

Do we connect with "Restorative Justice Programs"?

Peter Block - Community Engagement and article -

"Restorative justice takes into account victims and community; its paradigm considers crimes to be committed against persons, not the state. In that vein, offenders must sit in circular conference with the victim, family, support group and community.

Circles indicate "a feminine use of power based on relationship, dialogue, engagement, feeling, intuition, a knowing you can't pin down," he says.

That's what makes the conferences so effective.

"People who commit crimes very often don't have a larger sense of accountability to community," Butler says.

Restorative justice tailors sentencing to create meaning and purpose for offenders; someone who breaks a bottle over another's head must work with a head injury unit, for example. It's not suitable for offenders in homicide, sexual assault or child molestation cases, but they comprise only a small percentage of crimes, according to Butler.

Restorative justice works. Of the 500 offenders who have gone through the system in Longmont, only 5 percent have subsequent run-ins with police. Ninety-five percent of victims report that they are "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with the process. "

Deterrence Programs and Pro Active/Genuine Engagement - Inspired to get involved and create change?

Ronald Hummons, founded Vision Care Takers, and shoe line/apparel with C-Town footwear.

My friend, Ronald Hummons with a great Horatio Algers Story of overcoming odds with persistence, faith, action, by taking accountability, learning, forming a support system with mentors and harnessing his energy/passion = investing it into meaningful projects - can connect you with him and his reform/mentoring program as well!

Let me know if these ideas/folks mentioned are people you would like to connect with, or share your ideas! Also, share with "A Small Group".

"...the more people know what's going on in their community, the more involved they'll get." - Peter Block

"How you react to obstacles defines your identity" Brian Siegel


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